What vintage bag brands do you sell? We offer a large selection of vintage bags from the best Italian and international brands, including Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Prada, Chanel, Hermès, Fendi, and many more. Each piece is carefully selected to ensure quality and authenticity.
What condition are the vintage bags you sell in? The vintage bags we sell are in very good condition. We carry out a rigorous selection and evaluation of each piece to ensure they are in excellent aesthetic and functional condition. Each bag is carefully inspected for any significant flaws or wear.
How can I be sure of the authenticity of vintage bags? We guarantee the authenticity of all vintage bags we sell. We have a team of experts who carefully verify the authenticity of each piece. We also work with reputable and certified suppliers to ensure bags are authentic and original.
What does "Vintage" mean in the context of handbags? In the context of handbags, the term "Vintage" refers to fashion products that were made in the past, but still hold significant value and appeal. Vintage handbags can have a unique retro style and are often considered unique and highly valuable pieces for fashion lovers.
How can I make a purchase on your site? To make a purchase on our site, you can simply add the desired bags to your cart and proceed to checkout. We accept several secure payment methods, including major credit cards and online payment methods such as PayPal.
Do you offer international shipping? Yes, we offer international shipping. We are happy to ship our vintage bags all over the world. During the checkout process, you will be able to select your destination and view the available shipping options.
We work with UPS and DHL for delivery and collections. All deliveries are traceable, you will receive a link by email after the item has left our shop. Delivery usually takes 1-3 days in Italy and 3-5 days abroad
What are the return or exchange options?
- Pursuant to articles 64 and subsequent of Legislative Decree 206/05, the purchaser has in any case the right to withdraw from the stipulated contract, without any penalty and without specifying the reason, within the term of 14 (fourteen) working days, starting from the day of receipt of the purchased goods
- If the Buyer decides to exercise the right of withdrawal, he must notify the seller within 48 hours of receiving the goods, by e-mail to the following e-mail address: declaring that you want to exercise the right of return. It will be our concern to provide the instructions for the return. The direct costs of returning the goods will be charged to the customer.
- The products must be returned in the same condition in which they were received,
- Returns of items will not be accepted if they have been tampered with and the anti-use seal and/or tag has been removed
- The purchased item must be intact and returned in its original packaging, complete in all its parts (original box, tags, dust bag, accessories). To limit damage to the original packaging, it is recommended to pack the item well.
- We do not accept any returns that have been worn, soiled or have any other signs of wear not present at the time of purchase.
Returns that do not pass our quality controls will not be refunded and the package will be returned to sender.
Do you offer warranty on vintage bags? Because we deal with unique vintage products, we cannot offer a standard warranty like we do for new products. However, we are committed to providing an accurate description and detailed images of each bag so that you can make an informed purchase. In case of problems or questions, we are always available to help you.